828.251.6622  |   rpo@landofsky.org


Strategic Transportation Investments Prioritization Process

Every two years, the Land of Sky Rural Planning Organization (LOSRPO), along with the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), will go through a process to identify and prioritize transportation projects for inclusion in the state’s next Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).  This process, known as “Prioritization 6.0” for the current cycle, is directly tied to the Strategic Transportation Investments law that passed the NC General Assembly in 2013.  General information about this overall process can be found on NCDOT’s website here

This website has been established to serve as a resource and repository of information on this project prioritization and funding process within the LOSRPO region.  As information becomes available throughout this process, it will be added to this site to make the information widely available to the public.  If you have any questions about the information on this site, please contact Vicki Eastland, LOSRPO, at rpo@landofsky.org  or (828)-251-6622.

We welcome your comments and feedback on the prioritization of transportation projects.  Please feel free to attend any of our meetings, which are all open to the public, or to write/call us.  We have a time for public comment at the beginning and end of each TCC and TAC meeting.  You may reach LOSRPO staff by email at rpo@landofsky.org or by phone at (828) 251-6622.  You may also send written correspondence to: LOSRPO, Attn. Vicki Eastland, 339 New Leicester Hwy., Suite 140, Asheville, NC 28806.

Prioritization 7.0

LOSRPO DRAFT SPOT7.0 Final Project List

LOSRPO DRAFT SPOT 7.0 Local Input Point Methodology

LOSRPO Regional Impact LIP List

LOSRPO Division Needs LIP List

**Public input window on the DRAFT Project 7.0 list has been extended to Wednesday October 18th, 2023.**

Previous Rounds of Prioritization

Prioritization 6.0- CANCELLED

DRAFT SPOT6.0 Local Input Point Methodology

Prioritization 6.0 Update, LOSRPO Highway Project List

Prioritization 5.0

LOSRPO Draft Project List for NCDOT Project Prioritization, SPOT 5.0

A Little Time On These Surveys Will Influence Transportation Projects For Years To Come

Thanks for your interest in transportation project public input. Take any or all surveys below for counties that you live in or travel trough regularly. The projects in each survey are merely proposed, not promised, but your opinions will figure into a scoring process that makes them more or less likely to become funded. Likewise, the descriptions and images associated with each project are just guidelines

You’re encouraged to weigh in on the projects that are most relevant to you. Feel free to skip any project that you don’t care about, jump right to the projects that you care most about, and quit a survey at any time. We appreciate any amount of effort and every opinion that you care to offer. THANKS!

Surveys are now closed!

Prioritization 4.0

The Prioritization 4.0 Draft Methodology below details the proposed methodology, the publicinvolvement process, and the next steps/timeline.

Division Needs Transportation Projects – Survey Closed

DRAFT LOSRPO Division Needs Local Points Allocation – Public Input will begin the week of September 19 and the public hearing will be on October 26 at the TAC Meeting.

Regional Impact Roadways Projects – Survey Closed

NCDOT Strategic Prioritization Scores for LOSRPO Regional Impact Projects and Division Needs

Previous Prioritization Methodology